Ok ok prometto che me li vado a tagliare. Ho raggiunto un livello di trasandataggine e lunghezza senza precedenti (almeno negli ultimi 15 anni), e in effetti c’ho Peter Jackson che me sta a assillà perché mi vuole assolutamente nel prossimo episodio dell’ Hobbit. Ha detto che con me risparmia pure soldi sugli effetti grafici per fare la miniaturizzazione…mica ho capito che cosa intendesse dire.
Personal freedom and traffic and spring
Yesterday I was driving back from my town to Rome, and the road was almost desert, there was basically no traffic. A very relaxing trip. And while I was doing my voice exercises I was thinking at how great it is to be so desynchronized from all the people who have a standard job, who are forced to drive through the same road in the peak moments of the day, when it becomes incredibly congested. A trip that took me 40 mins yesterday would have taken 2 hours this morning. Yes, Rome’s traffic is that bad.
So, I realized that things like this are the results of some important changes that I made in my life in the last years, and these changes are definitely consequence of the very good input that I got from some special people. Then I was realizing, again, how this particular man called Harry Browne (that I adore, I think it’s obvious now) really had an enormous impact on my life with his book. Harry is dead, but boy how he produced changes -first in my mind- and then in my life. And I think it’s really suggestive. I don’t buy many common conceptions of eternal life and immortality, but when things like this happen, isn’t this the real, the best way to be immortal? Harry’s ideas and thoughts live in my life today, now, years after he’s passed away, and I am enjoying a great deal of increased personal freedom because of the messages he left for me. Thank you Harry! Just for you to know, I am enjoying it very much!
Yesterday was a lovely day that I spent in the countryside again. Really enjoying the weather and spring. And once again I took some pictures with my camera. Did I already say that I am a great photographer? Ah yeah, I think I already did…A small green spider on a fig tree.
The web of a spider (not the same spider).
These are some wooden balls that some oak trees produce. I see them from time to time but I am not sure what is their function. They don’t look like seed containers to me.
A bee collecting pollen from a peach tree.
And this is the vase where I planted some cherry tomato seeds. As my grandpa is getting old he can’t plant as many veggies for the family as he did before (at 90 he’s actually still in great shape but he has to look after my grandma who suffers from total dementia and he doesn’t have much time for gardening anymore). So, to have some natural homemade veggies again this year I’ll return to some agricultural job!
Io che prendo il posto del papa e Tina Cipollari
Come sia riuscito a infilare nello stesso sogno, stanotte, io che faccio una sorta di truffa al Vaticano nei confronti dell’intera umanità (ricordo nitidamente i cardinali che mi chiamano animatamente perché è tardi, e devo uscire sul balcone a piazza San Pietro come neo-eletto papa, mentre sono in bagno a travestirmi freneticamente da papa di cui per qualche motivo devo prenderne il posto) e la presenza di Tina Cipollari -ripeto Tina Cipollari- nello stesso Vaticano che aveva anch’essa un qualche ruolo nella truffa, è un indice di quanto meravigliosamente contorta e malata sia la mia mente, anche al livello del subconscio.
Ururuuu Sararaaa
Distrattori professionisti
Ma si può sapere adesso che cacchio ce frega delle quote rosa? Da dove sono spuntate fuori?
Hanno creato un altro finto problema per distrarre, mentre stanno per lanciare una nuova legge elettorale (il “pregiudicatellum” di Renzi e Berlusconi) più vergognosa della precedente.
‘cci loro!