Objectives 2012

Checkpoint with my to do list 2012. Almost four months have passed since I made it. Let’s go in red. (last update April 20, 2012).

  • WORK
  • Prolong part-time period in IBM Accomplished. I’ll be part-time until the end of 2012, then I will decide if I want to return the classic full-time employee or ask to mantain this schedule (probably the second since it’s working wonders!)
  • Increase productivity in IBM I delete this. Not interested in focusing about it, not in this period.
  • Move paolods.com to wordpress and bring it to 100 visitors/day Moved. Traffic is very low but I am focusing more on the other site now.
  • Create ‘nutrition’.com in sitesell and bring it to 1000 visitors/day Created. Traffic is just starting. Plenty of work to do, but I am having fun and I am very confident about this project.
  • Publish 1 video/month on YouTube I don’t feel much like making videos this period. I am thinking about making them more light and like personal video-logs.
  • DIET
  • Increase consumption of raw food. I just got almost intoxicated by barely cooked beans. I discovered, after I started feeling bad, that uncooked beans may be poisonous. Ok this experiment was a huge idiocy. However, I am succeeding here: eating more raw fruit and vegetables.
  • Almost-zero refined carbs Not a big improvement since last year. Occasionally (every 6-7 days) I still can’t resist and eat white crap. I need more discipline from now on.
  • Gym 3 times/week After 14 years of regular gym activity, I am starting to think about reducing the intensity. It becomes now a minimum of 2 times/week, because the time gained will be used for the following -new- activity.
  • Meditation 1 time/week I am becoming more and more interested about it. Let’s see how it works for me.
  • Voice training 3 times/week Going very well.
  • Travel to center/south America Not yet. Summer? September?
  • Travel to Russia Booked. Five days at the end of May in Saint Petersburg!
  • See a competition at London’s Olympics I can do it, it’s not gonna be hard.
  • See the Sistina Chapel Completed. Wonderful place. It’s amazing how one has such great things few steps away from home and forgets it!
  • 5 one-day trips Three done: Florence, Montalcino, Monteriggioni. All close to my work place, two others still to come.
  • Find new friends Happy.
  • Be more honest Work in progress, I planted good seeds (in my crazy head).
  • Give a kiss I only speak in front of my lawyer.
  • ***** This is just a stupid thing, I will probably succeed.
  • Laugh till tears, many times Not as much as I wanted so far.
  • Invest my money Completely failing here. Economy is SO boring, I tend to leave my money unused on the bank account rather than checking conditions, rates, deadlines…I have to find the strength and make a move.
  • Backup every pc 3 times A couple of times for each computer already done, this is easy.
  • Dress better Not paid much attention to this so far.
  • Improve Calendario (chaotic txt file I use to track my activities) Tried, maybe it will remain as it is. Will give a second attempt later.
  • Go skiing Not done yet.
  • Diminish the time on internet Not a sensible improvement.
  • Read 15 books Almost 5 books after 4 months. Looking good.
  • Go to a mask party   Done. Dressed as a viking. I was hot.
  • Dub/create a movie Later in the year.
  • Record a song Later in the year.
  • Donate money for promoting culture New one. I will probably donate to Wikipedia or someone who creates value for people (real value).
  • Make a lucid dream New one. Another interesting subject I am discovering recently.
  • ME
  • Deal with the 3 boulders Eh. This is superhuman work. Boulder #1 is almost climbed.

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