I know, they’re awful!

Bitten nailsSometimes when I talk to other people and say “I bite my nails”, they reply “Yeah me too!” and show me barely bitten nails, just slightly eroded.Then I show them mines, and it’s obvious that there’s never been competition.

Ah… I think this habit, that I have always had since I was a kid, is definitely related to my neck-back pains. I tend to destroy my nails particularly when I have sore bones and feel tensions in my body.

2 thoughts on “I know, they’re awful!

  1. My nails are exactly like this !! What I’ve done lately is let them grow slightly, by using somesort of clear polish and pushing the cuticles back by using an orange stick. I also use Soap And Glory Handfood also daily. Next I use a Barry M Polish as neat as possible!!!(this is essential) – if you don’t you will want to bite them more, if they are perfect you won’t have such an urge to bite them – and clean up the edges and cuticles with a q-tip in polish remover. Hope this helps as it is currently working for me !!Xxx

  2. Thanks Eve! I actually bite my nail more when they are already very short, instead if I let them grow a bit and pass a certain treshold, I tend to resist more. But it goes in cycles: sometime I’m able to have normal nails for weeks, sometimes (like in this period) they’re destroyed all of the time. In general, my whole life I’ve never had “normal” finger nail for more than 1-2 months in a row! 🙂

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