Gun control and 2nd amendment

A new debate on the topic is born after the last massacre in the school. Plenty of controversial discussions in internet. And these are my two cents.

I am not necessarily adverse to the law that allows the US citizens to own guns and rifles: after all, if anyone wants to kill himself or someone else he will find a way, with hand weapons or not.

But there is one thing that I don’t understand about the Americans, and it’s about the desire to own arms. Why should anyone want to keep a gun in his house? To do what? I understand that when you’re at home, with kids, with your property, you really want to feel safe, and know that nobody can enter and hurt your family, or steal your things. And I also understand that there are several violent attacks from the police in America, so actually is from the government that sometimes you feel you want to protect.

But my point is that safety does not exist. Not at home, not outside. If you keep a gun in your house because you are scared, then you have to bring it with you even when you walk in the street, when you go with the kids at the mall, when you go to the postal office.

In any moment, not only when you’re home, a complete crazy can come and attack you. Life is like this: completely unsafe. And unless you have some very special reason to keep a gun (for example a psychopat neighbor) or you want to keep a rifle in your purse when you go for grocery shopping or when you simply walk in the street in every moment, I don’t see why you may want to have it specifically when you’re home.

We all like to think that there are some special oasis, where everything is perfect and the bad guys don’t exist anymore, but unfortunately it is an illusion. Of course you should do everything you can to minimize risks, but I don’t think that guns are an effective method.

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