Doing things alone

I’ve always been an ambitious person, with many desires and goals to achieve.You know the quote ‘success is best when shared with others’? I think it’s true. It’s wonderful when you have around like-minded people, with whom you can share your vision and live together the journey to the same objectives.

But circumstances sometimes don’t allow you to do so. Your friends and relatives are not interested in one of your goals. Or they are, but they can’t pursue it in the same period you can. Or they don’t have enough money. Or they are not ready to accept the risks.

It’s not worth waiting endlessly until others will be available to work with you at the goal. Many times they will never be, and you will never get that thing you truly want. It’s something that I learned pretty soon in my life: if you really want to do something, you must get ready to do it alone. Because if you are not ready, you have to give up.

In my case, my desires have always been big, so many times I found the little courage needed and chosed to go alone. I’m proud of that: if i didn’t go alone, I had never gone to train at the gym, or moved to another city for the university and then for getting the job I wanted, or visited the foreign countries I wanted to see, and countless other things.

Yes, there is the need for some courage sometimes. Humans are social animals, so you have to break the schemes of society to gain the right to get alone the things you want. Some things (dancing, going to cinema, travelling…) are usually done in group and society is surprised to see someone doing these things alone.

I am selfish enough to give more importance to my desires than to the reaction of society, so for me it’s an easy choice. I wish many people would do the same: a single person is always an open slot and an opportunity.

I found that in my recent travel alone to China: I met new people, local people, experimented more and had a cool little adventure. I look at this experience like a success, and I’m happy I did it. ‘A travel to Asia‘ was in my to-do-list for this year. Now it’s checked. I can move my energy and attention to satisfy my other desires instead of wasting time waiting for others availability and praying “how much I would love to see China!”.

Soon I’ll share the video about my trip. It’s a lot of material and it will take a while for the editing.

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