The big mysteries of life

Why do the duty free shops in the airports sell:

  • alcohol
  • cigarettes
  • perfumes


All the duty free shops, in all the airports of the world: huge shelves of these three articles. Why these? Why not others? Maybe the airport’s marketing strategists know something that I don’t know, that the typical passenger is a stinking vicious?

Just one note out of tune

Between all the immense celebrations, the magnificent sense of unity between the populations of the world, the joy of the athletes, the Olympic spirit, I must say that I was so moved and excited that I was about to cry.

Then the camera pointed to her. What she was thinking is evident:

I want you dead. All of you. With atrocious sufferings“.

I loved it.



Learning how to have lucid dreams

From this night I officially start my journey to become a “professional” lucid dreamer.

I am starting to become more and more interested in the topic, and also about astral projections. There is much that I don’t know, but one of the first tricks I learned is that I have to keep track of my dreams in the morning, as soon as I wake up and I still remember them. This is my dream recorder, ready for tomorrow morning:

I had 2 or 3 lucid dreams in all my life so far, and I remember the amazing sensations they gave me. In each of them I woke up immediately after realizing that I was dreaming. I want to develop the skill to remain asleep but conscious into the dream.

Some people talk about programming their dreams: they decide what they want to dream, and they dream it. That’s very interesting, because there are many orgies with supermodels I want to take part to.

Let’s see how it goes.


Should I deduce anything?

The project manager makes a tour in our open-space office and does a short presentation of each of us to the newcomer:

  • “he is Fabio Rossi, he is our architect and he is working on the batch process”
  • “she is Maria Bianchi, she is a programmer and she is working on the front-end development”

Then he arrives close to me and starts giggling:

  • “here we have De Santis… he is our… hmm… jolly. And… Paolo what the hell are you doing now?”