Come on!

Being arbiter/judge in many sports may be a very stressing job, but I have the impression that being judge in fencing is a supreme ballbuster.

The poor guy has to go back and forth every time one of the competitors doesn’t like the result (that happens in the 99% of the actions).

Is this a sport!?

Even if I am a huge fan of the olympics, I must say that it is very, very hard to recognize some disciplines as “sports”. But while the winter olympics have their gem of ridiculousness in Curling, only now I discover that the summer olympics have a fierce antagonist: Dressage.

If you don’t know how it works, it’s simple: you have to ride a dancing horse inside a square. Love it, love it, love it.

Dal cliente

Il lavacessi nel mio nuovo posto di lavoro deve essere un creativo: un messaggio diverso in ogni bagno. Oppure è proprio che gli impiegati qui fanno i bisogni in modo creativo, e il poveretto è semplicemente esasperato.

The big mysteries of life

Why do the duty free shops in the airports sell:

  • alcohol
  • cigarettes
  • perfumes


All the duty free shops, in all the airports of the world: huge shelves of these three articles. Why these? Why not others? Maybe the airport’s marketing strategists know something that I don’t know, that the typical passenger is a stinking vicious?