E comunque

Ai primi posti della classifica della tristezza ci metto quelli che fanno bodybuilding in palestra, la cui cena consiste nel mangiare riso in bianco e pollo da un tupperware seduti su una panca negli spogliatoi a fine allenamento, tra la gente che va avanti e indietro in ciavatte e le svampate di sudore.

Game of thrones

Today I happened to visit a storehouse near my town where the owners collect stocks and furniture from villas and palaces of rich people who went broke. There were many unique pieces, a lot of ancient paintings and unusual decorations, the kind of things that you’ll never see at Ikea. But what I found most interesting were the thrones, like these. I mean, how on earth didn’t I think about it, how did I live to date sitting on a miserable desk chair! Now I am sure about it: I-want-a-throne. That’s muuuch more appropriate!game-of-thrones