Learning how to have lucid dreams

From this night I officially start my journey to become a “professional” lucid dreamer.

I am starting to become more and more interested in the topic, and also about astral projections. There is much that I don’t know, but one of the first tricks I learned is that I have to keep track of my dreams in the morning, as soon as I wake up and I still remember them. This is my dream recorder, ready for tomorrow morning:

I had 2 or 3 lucid dreams in all my life so far, and I remember the amazing sensations they gave me. In each of them I woke up immediately after realizing that I was dreaming. I want to develop the skill to remain asleep but conscious into the dream.

Some people talk about programming their dreams: they decide what they want to dream, and they dream it. That’s very interesting, because there are many orgies with supermodels I want to take part to.

Let’s see how it goes.


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